Meeting the Needs of Students in Poverty Committee


  • Will develop a comprehensive plan for the integration of services for low-income children and families, and for schools with high concentrations of poverty
  • Will apply a developmental model from birth through college and workforce
  • Will revitalize the existing policy infrastructure to implement the comprehensive plan

Committee meetings are open to the public. Meeting locations, dates, and times are posted on the Delaware Public Meeting Calendar and the Solutions for Delaware Schools Calendar. All meeting minutes will be posted upon approval of the committee.




Tim Foxx, Co-chair
President and Chief Executive Officer, Communities in Schools Delaware

Michelle Taylor, Co-chair
President, United Way of Delaware

Dawn E. Alexander, M.Ed.
Preschool Expansion Coordinator, Colonial Early Education Program (CEEP)

Madeleine Bayard
Co-Chair, Delaware Early Childhood Council and Rodel Foundation of Delaware

Patricia Belle-Scruggs, M.Ed.
Director, Regulatory Compliance, Boys and Girls Clubs of Delaware

Dusty Blakey
Superintendent, Colonial School District

Adriana Bohm, Ph.D.
Red Clay Consolidated School District School Board, Parent Expert, Wilmington Education Advisory Committee

Vi Cade, Ed.D.
Senior Director, Secondary Education, Christina School District

Paul Calistro
Executive Director, West End Neighborhood House

Nikki Castle, Ph.D.
Wilmington Education Advisory Committee

Susan Cycyk
Divison Director, Division of Prevention & Behavioral Health Services

Karen Eller
Teacher, Bancroft Elementary School, Christina School District

Mary Fox
Executive Director, Big Brother, Big Sister

Tim Foxx
President, Communities in Schools of Delaware

Caitlin Gleason
Education Associate, Alignment and Professional Development, Office of Early Learning, Delaware Department of Education

Gloria Grantham
Retired Educators for Academic Development

Logan Herring
Executive Director, Kingswood Community Center

Harold "Butch" Ingram
Principal, Bancroft Elementary, Christina School District

George Krupanski
President and Chief Executive Officer, Boys and Girls Club of Delaware, Inc.

Maria Matos
Executive Director, Latin American Community Center, Inc.

Patti Miller, MPP
Population Health Specialist, Nemours Children's Health System

Leslie Newman
Chief Executive Officer and President, Children & Families First

Terrance Newton, Ed.D.
Assistant Principal, H.B. duPont Middle School, Red Clay Consolidated School District

Kenny Oates
Academic Dean, Shortlidge Academy

Tom Ogden
Deputy Chief of Staff for Fiscal and Operations Management, City of Wilmington

Luke Rine
Director, DE CTE and STEM Office, Delaware Department of Education

Gwendolyn Sanders, Ed.D.
Chair, Wilmington Early Learning Council

Cara Sawyer, J.D.
Deputy Principal Assistant, Office of the Secretary, Delaware Department of Services for Children, Youth and their Families 

Michael Simmonds
Title I Coordinator, Red Clay Consolidated School District

Deb Stevens
Director of Instructional Advocacy, Delaware State Education Association

Matt Swanson
Executive Chairman, Innovative Schools

Michelle Taylor
President, United Way of Delaware

Monique Taylor-Gibbs
Teacher, Warner Elementary School, Red Clay Consolidated School District

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